The original BugBuster™ No-Harm Spider and Bug Vacuum is an insect vacuum that sucks up bugs, insects, spiders, flies, stinging insects, bees and more from ceilings, walls, empty bathtubs... almost anywhere.
Use our gentle, no-harm product to relocate insects outside the home to your yard or garden, where they can work to help you. The BugBuster™ is excellent for trapping and removing unwanted guests, and you no longer have to clean up remains squashed onto surfaces in your home.
Operating on a single battery, this slim device is simple to use and easy to store. Simply wait for the insect to settle, then press the button to start the motor while carefully approaching the bug. When close enough, hold the open end over the insect to gently and humanely suck it into the catch tube. Once you have caught the insect, turn the BugBuster™ upright and replace the safety cap to prevent escape for safe observation and release at arm’s length.

BugBuster™: BB100 $19.95

BugBuster™ unit
Tips and Tricks sheet
1 Year Warranty
30-day money-back guarantee
Operates on one DURACELL or ENERGIZER 9 volt battery (not included)

TAPERED HEAD & GENTLE SUCTION - The Turbo Bug Buster Insect Vacuum features a tapered head that allows for gentle suction, making it a humane and no-harm insect vacuum that is perfect for science projects, field work, and removing beneficial insects.
QUICK AND EASY - With an easy-to-use feature of our bug vacuum just by pressing the button to start the suction, bring the bug vacuum catcher open end near the insect, and it's swiftly swept inside. It eliminates the need to fumble around with different settings and attachments, allowing the user to focus on capturing the insect as quickly as possible. This makes it much easier to capture insects that may be moving or hiding in hard-to-reach places.
BATTERY POWERED - Our bug vacuum is portable and can be used anywhere without needing to be plugged into an electrical outlet. This makes it perfect for field work, as you can take it out into the environment without having to worry about locating a power source. Additionally, our battery-powered bug vacuum catcher is usually lighter and more compact than one that requires a power outlet.
NO MESSY CATCHING - No dead bugs smashed against the wall and less chance of being bitten or stung therefore it is safer to use. This eliminates the risk of accidentally crushing an insect and also reduces the chances of being bitten or stung. Additionally, our bug vacuum offers a more humane way of capturing and relocating insects, as you do not have to physically handle them. Let our bug vacuum catcher do the job.
REACH HIGH PLACES - Our bug vacuum has a tapered end and extension tube that allows for 24" reach, it can be used to capture insects from hard-to-reach places. This makes it much easier to capture insects hiding in cracks and crevices. Additionally, the extendable tube allows the user to access insects from a greater distance, reducing the need to get too close to them like ceilings that would otherwise be difficult to access.

TURBO BugBuster™ BBT200 $22.95

Turbo BugBuster™ unit
Tips and Tricks sheet
1 Year Warranty
30-day money-back guarantee
Operates on one DURACELL or ENERGIZER 9 volt battery (not included)